Zoë Cook


Hi, I am Zoë and welcome to Sunshine Health Bowen Therapy.

I am a fully qualified and insured practitioner of The Bowen Technique, based in Street in Somerset.

I began my training with The College of Bowen Studies in 2002, following my own experience of receiving Bowen in late 2001.

I had been having physiotherapy for a trapped nerve in my neck and RSI in my arm, as a result of the office work that I was doing at the time. The physio had reached the limits of how they could help and passed me over to a lovely man called Ian Robins. He did this weird thing where he barely touched me and kept disappearing throughout the treatment! I had never heard of Bowen and had absolutely no idea what was going on!

At the end of that one short session, the pain had completely disappeared. It never came back. Not even a twinge. Ian talked to me about all the people he had worked with, from babies and children to sports people and even disabled people in wheelchairs. There seemed to be no end to what Bowen could help with.

This really opened my eyes to life outside office work. I knew I didn't want to do that forever, so I looked in to training in Bowen and I have never looked back. I spent the whole of 2002 working through the training modules and completed my final exam in February 2003. I left full time employment in March 2003 and became a self employed Bowen Practitioner. Since then I have built up my practice and have carried out thousands of hours of treatments on many hundreds of people. I even have a few patients who are still coming to see me since I qualified!

I am passionate about helping people and I am committed to regular CPD to keep my knowledge and skills up to date. In May 2023 I completed the Diploma in Assessment Led Bowen Therapy which has been transformative in the way I work and the results my clients are experiencing.

Despite the arrival of Bowen in the UK in the 1990's, it is still relatively unknown compared to other types of complementary therapies. But its benefits and the results it produces, even in long term symptoms and conditions can be phenomenal. It is very gentle and relaxing but can be highly remedial, even in cases of severe pain where more forceful therapies and treatments would be too painful.

Professional qualifications and association memberships for your reassurance: